The Faculty of Social and Political Siences (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan
Ilmu Politik-FISIP) was the first faculty established in the University
of Riau. Its formation was based on the decree of Riau Foundation No.
2/KPTS/JUR/62 25 September 1962. This was later strenghtened by the
decree of Minister of Higher Education and Sciences No. 123 in 20
September 1963 (effectively recognised in 1 October 1963).
FISIP has been through several name changings. When it was firstly
formatted, this faculty was known as the Faculty of State and Business
Administration where there were two departments operated; the Department
of State Administration and Business Administration. Back then, the
establishment of these departments was related to the need to fill for
administrative employees within the government institutions as well as
in private business in Riau province.
Over the years, this faculty has developed several new departments, such
as Department of Law (based on the decree of University Senate on 2000)
and Department of Communication (based on the decree of University
Senate on 2000). The Department of Law was later disintegrated and
became the Faculty of Law.
Terwujudnya Fakultas Riset yang Unggul dan Bermartabat di Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik di Indonesia Tahun 2035
- Menyelenggarakanpendidikandanpengajaran yang bermutuuntukmenghasilkanlulusandengankompetensitinggi
- Menyelenggarakan penelitian bermutu untuk menyelesaikan masalah daerah dan nasional
- Menyelenggarakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat sebagai kontribusi fakultas dalam pembangunan daerah dan nasional.
- Menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas
- Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan yang berkualitas melalui penelitian di bidang ilmu sosial dan ilmu politik
- Mewujudkan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berkualitas
- Menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang bermoral dan berbudaya melayu
- Menghasilkan manajemen fakultas yang transparan, akuntabel, mempunyai sifat kolegial dan partisipatif